Friday, November 21, 2008

Update from TA4

Times into / out of CP9 (end of leg 4 kayak) (UR)-unranked 10:21 11:25
Blackheart / Salomon 11:55 12:50
Tangerine 11:56 13:39
Goldfish (UR) 14:06 15:11
Bull of Africa 14:30 15:48
Nga Rakau 15:56 17:06
More Invincible / Girls on Top (UR) 15:33 17:42
4TC (UR) 16:07 17:55 16:55 19:08
Yogi Bears(UR) 17:55
Australaps 18:38
Cyclepath(UR) 18:52
Sutmap Bean(UR) 18:52
Mawson 18:55
Little Miss Sunshine(UR) 18:56

9 teams are now out on stage 5, the mammoth 210km mountain bike ride. Due to the forecast for very bad weather starting tonight an extra CP has been added to the course so that teams can be monitored as they progress through the stage.

4TC finished the trek this morning in good shape and Liam joined them for the Kayak to CP9. Unfortunately half way through the kayak they struck a submerged iron stake and holed one hull of a their boat. Dave paddled the single hull boat through to transition while the other three crowded aboard the undamaged boat and paddled that down.

Nga Rakau overtook 4TC on the river and transitioned well to head out on the bike ride in good spirits. Tim still had sore feet and Fi has some tenderness behind her knee but they have the best part of two days before the next trek stage so hopefully they will be ok for trekking by then.

Securify had a good paddle but took a long time in transition. They are all in good spirits though and moving well so should hopefully have a good ride on this stage.

More Invincible with Girls on top are moving steadily and making good progress. They overtook several other short coursed teams with some good navigation coming off mount Feathertop.

We have very limited access to the teams during this next stage but will post updates when we can.

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